Study shows that ugly people are for face masks while beautiful people are against

A comprehensive study conducted by the State Center for Interpersonal Relations shows that there is a very shared opinion about how okay it is to wear face masks. "We see that those people who have pretty faces and who...

RESEARCH: Jogging named the best sport to avoid family as much as possible during the holidays

Summer holidays are hell for most people. For weeks, you have to socialize with family members and pretend to be having a good time. Now the National Centre for Interpersonal Relations has researched that jogging is the best way...

“Why do people go to a pub when you can get drunk at half the price in your own garage?” asks Viggo (44 years)...

Summer is here and many of us run out in the summer heat to socialize and to enjoy a cold beer with friends. "Damn nonsense" says Viggo Loff Frønes from Kolbotn. He believes it is completely illogical to leave...

Are you considering adopting your children? Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn’t do it

It's summer and Norway've just been through a spring that has required a lot of interaction with the kids. Anything too much, anyone will say. More and more parents are resorting to adoption as a solution to have more...

Vegan Britt is shit tired that everyone thinks vegan and mental illness is the same

Britt Gul Roterud from Kålstad is bored. She's tired. She's exhausted and she's just a little angry. The reason is that Britt, who for many months has now been vegan, is tired of no one understanding the difference between...

BREAKING NEWS: Government opens to legalise cocaine for Norwegians who are very shy

The Norwegian government has, after careful consideration, decided to legalise the drug Cocaine. "Wesee that legalizing this drug will be able to help the most shy part of the population loosen up a little"says State Secretary Ludvig Bottolf Punch Says...

RESEARCH: Men who fall asleep on the couch are often amazing lovers

The State Center for Interpersonal Relations has researched the connection between falling asleep on the couch and being a god in bed. The conclusion is clear; The more often a man falls asleep on the couch in the early...

RESEARCH: 58% of all driving in Norway are men who need a break from acidic cohabitants and children with whooping cough

At the National Centre for Interpersonal Relations, they found this week that as many as 58% of all driving in Norway could have been avoided if women were not so angry all the time. "In Norway there are over...

BREAKING NEWS: Desperate cat fights a daily battle against forced coziness

The cat Birger lives with his mother Sigrid Hårvått Gnure in Sogndal. Birger is despairing, constantly afraid of compulsive coziness. The owner, in turn, uses Birger as a substitute for lack of attention from the opposite sex Forced to cuddle...

BREAKING NEWS: Man (44 years old) in expensive suit with great title has discovered that his job is completely meaningless

After working as Key Account Senior Manager Adviser, the Korona situation has revealed that Svein-Åge Kåkk has a job that has no bearing on society other than building up his self-esteem. Talking nonsenseSvein-Åge's job consists mostly of talking...


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