BREAKING NEWS: Man (44 years old) in expensive suit with great title has discovered that his job is completely meaningless

After working as Key Account Senior Manager Adviser, the Korona situation has revealed that Svein-Åge Kåkk has a job that has no bearing on society other than building up his self-esteem. Talking nonsenseSvein-Åge's job consists mostly of talking...

BREAKING NEWS: Police warn of new scam in which women marry men because of money and not love

Police in East Raus Police District in Gnuvold report an increasing number in fraud cases where women pretend to marry because of love but who actually get married because the victim (always a man) has a lot of money Going...

BREAKING NEWS: Employees in the municipality thrive with the home office. Makes no difference when “working”

Employees in Norway's municipalities work largely from the Home Office during the day. The reason is basically for infection control considerations, but as no one really notices the difference it is now suggested that all local government employees continue...

BREAKING NEWS: Norwegian Football Association introduces new kits in women’s football to increase interest among men

After a few years of low interest in women's football, the Norwegian Football Association has taken a number of measures to increase interest in the "sport" among men. Of several solutions, a new standard for the suits in Norwegian...

Distraught parents realize that their 28-year-old son plans to live there even after quarantine

Leif-Gunnar and Lill-Anette Knikke from Rælingen are distraught. They have a son who next week turns 28. For the past four weeks he has been staying at home with his parents after he had to be quarantined after a...

BREAKING NEWS: People look forward to being able to stare at their phones in groups again

The Government has finally given room for Norwegians to function as before after the restrictions due to the Corona virus have characterized our social life. This means friends can now finally meet looking at their mobile in groups up...

RESEARCH: Those who own the most sweatpants jog the least, but eat the most chocolate

At the Norwegian Centre for Interpersonal Relations, they have been researching for several years on which group of people jog the least in Norway. The answer is unconditional; The more sweatpants you own, the less you jog Never jogged ...

BREAKING NEWS: All the world’s Corona experts agree that this is going well or that this is going really wrong

There is great agreement among the world's Corona experts. After many months of discussions, it seems that they all agree on one thing; This is going well or it doesn't. "The most important thing now is that we wait...

BREAKING NEWS: New evidence that Donald Trump has been developed by China to destroy the Western world

New evidence is emerging that the incumbent US president has been developed in China's laboratory to destroy peace and order in the UNITED States and the Western world in general. "There is no longer any doubt. Donald Trump is...

THE LATEST: The Association of Introverts believes the government is missing out. “We should stay inside for 2-3 years” they rage

After the government this week gave clear signals that opening Norway more or less normal again, more people are reacting. Many men with a home office think it is too early to let up, but the strongest counter-reactions come...


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