BREAKING NEWS: Employees in the municipality thrive with the home office. Makes no difference when “working”

Employees in Norway's municipalities work largely from the Home Office during the day. The reason is basically for infection control considerations, but as no one really notices the difference it is now suggested that all local government employees continue...

BREAKING NEWS: People look forward to being able to stare at their phones in groups again

The Government has finally given room for Norwegians to function as before after the restrictions due to the Corona virus have characterized our social life. This means friends can now finally meet looking at their mobile in groups up...

RESEARCH: Those who own the most sweatpants jog the least, but eat the most chocolate

At the Norwegian Centre for Interpersonal Relations, they have been researching for several years on which group of people jog the least in Norway. The answer is unconditional; The more sweatpants you own, the less you jog Never jogged ...

BREAKING NEWS: All the world’s Corona experts agree that this is going well or that this is going really wrong

There is great agreement among the world's Corona experts. After many months of discussions, it seems that they all agree on one thing; This is going well or it doesn't. "The most important thing now is that we wait...

BREAKING NEWS: New evidence that Donald Trump has been developed by China to destroy the Western world

New evidence is emerging that the incumbent US president has been developed in China's laboratory to destroy peace and order in the UNITED States and the Western world in general. "There is no longer any doubt. Donald Trump is...

BREAKING NEWS: Jogging can extend life by 2 years, but shortens it by 4 years

A comprehensive study conducted by the Norwegian Centre for Interpersonal Relations states that jogging can extend lifespan by 2 years. The problem is that jogging also shortens life by 4 years. "If you're smart, you don't jog" says famous...

BREAKING NEWS: NAV forces NAVere to go to job interview – Here’s the advice to drop!

New shock figures: Honest NAVers are forced more often and more often to work! Most of us are used to getting money for rent, food and subsistence from NAV. That's great! The problem is that NAV look and often demand...

Did you know that 93% of all Norwegian women are UNFAITHFUL? This is why

93% of all Norwegian women are unfaithful More and more surveys show that virtually all women are cheating on their partner. In other words, if you are a man, it is almost certain that she has one or more on...

LATEST: Ladies who knit are psychopathic and destroy families

Does anyone knit in your family? For a number of years it has been fully acceptable to knit hats, mittens and sweaters in Norway. Knitting has long been referred to as a hobby and equated with innocent activities such as...

LATEST NEWS: Sore throat, headache and lethargy may be symptoms of having children

Several doctors at the National Center for Doctors have now found that sore throat, extreme lethargy and headaches can be symptoms of having children. The symptoms turn out to be stronger the more children you have. "Many suffer from...


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