LATEST NEWS: Sore throat, headache and lethargy may be symptoms of having children

Several doctors at the National Center for Doctors have now found that sore throat, extreme lethargy and headaches can be symptoms of having children. The symptoms turn out to be stronger the more children you have. “Many suffer from severe symptoms and are very much struggling with the joy of life due to children”says doctor and Metallica fan Jæims Hætfilld to eAvisa

Same symptoms
as Corona
After much research, doctors have found that having children can be far more serious than previously thought. “We see that the symptoms of having children are difficult to live with. Many develop chronic irritation, headaches and, not least, lack of sleep” says the doctor who has previously participated in Idol, but who did not get on. “No it was simply not good enough”says the doctor

Some need intensive care
Moreover, doctors now fear that the symptoms of having children will become so strong that more people need intensive care. “As a result of society’s lockdown these days, we fear that those with lighter symptoms of children will have stronger symptoms of children when they are locked up with children,” says the doctor. He says society must now prepare to get rid of children. “There are too many children, too many” quits the doctor who even has 13 children aged 2 years to 11 years

eAvisa will return with more on this matter if the situation develops, escalates or unfolds in the direction that it would be appropriate to follow up with a supplementary article based on further investigation

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