10 girls who have a world record you DON’T want

7. Valeria Lukanova does everything she can to look like Barbie. You could say she’s been successful, right?

Valeria Lukyanova: - Racial mixing makes people ugly - 730.no

8. Mikel Ruffinelli works hard to have the widest hips in the world. I guess they’re really going a little bit with their stomachs:
Bilderesultat for Mikel Ruffinelli

9. Zlata is the world’s most agile/flexible woman:
Bilderesultat for Zlata

10. Jocelyn Wildenstein you’ve probably seen online before. She has devoted her life to operating most times and says she is happy with the result. She now saves up money to buy herself mirrors
Bilderesultat for Jocelyn Wildenstein

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