RIGHT NOW: Woman (33 years old) unsure she is pregnant or if she has just put on something violent in the past week

It’s simply hard to say. I’ve both fucked and eaten more than usual so it’s going to be somehow impossible to know” says the woman who in recent days is really wondering if she is pregnant or if she is just getting very fat. In the past week she has eaten very much and enjoyed herself very much with her boyfriend named Geir

Common that
women wonder
Researcher and female doctor Trond Rasmus Rassrød tells eAvisa that it is quite common for women to wonder about this. “Sure, this is not uncommon. This is typical for women who have an active sex life and who in addition to a lot of fucking also eat more than they should” he says. He asks the woman to relax and eat less. “Probablyboring to go like that to wonder, but it’s just eating less so the answer gives itself” says the doctor

Drinking a
lot of Pepsi Max
The woman, who has previously been admitted to a soda clinic for her Pepsi Max addiction, admits she has been drinking on soda in recent days. “Yes, just throw the towel back in. I drink soda several times a day now” admits the woman who also works as a dentist but who is currently laid off because she then either has an eating problem or is pregnant

eAvisa follows the case further

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