BREAKING NEWS: ‘Cake and Coke are fine for breakfast’ says dietitian

Many of us fuss every day about healthy eating. One of the most fussy meals is breakfast. “Breakfast is the most important meal” shouts it out by lean blog experts and self-proclaimed dietitians. Now it turns out that all this is nonsense. Cake and Coke for breakfast is completely in the way of that, according to a proper dietitian who eAvisa has spoken to

Just eating cake
Nutrition guru and truck driver Tormod Bolle Rosin has been researching for many weeks on a diet. He concludes that a so-called healthy breakfast is not necessary. “No that’s right, my research shows that cake and Coke are both good and nice”he says. He has eaten marzipan cake and coke every day for breakfast for nearly 5 weeks. “Zero problem, is in top shape”he says

Pudding and muffins
for lunch
Nor is there a point in eating a fiber-rich diet, according to Tormod. “Ha ha no it’s just certain vass. I eat cake for breakfast, puddings and muffins for lunch and feel free to have a Berlin bowl before I go to bed. Going just fine. Just driving on” says Tormod who informs that he also drinks a lot of beer.” Beer is actually healthy”he says, referring to an article that beer is healthy as he has read on eAvisa

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