BREAKING NEWS: Boy thinks he’s dating babe who thinks she’s got a new boy friend

Life can be hard and brutal sometimes. Lars Vaskeball Hansen has thought for many weeks that he and Jeanette Badeball Svendsen have been dating. The truth is, Jeanette is really happy that she’s finally got a boy friend. “He’s like a sweet brother to me, I’m so glad I met him” Jeanette says in a brief comment

We date
When eAvisa talks to Lars, he has a slightly different perception of reality than Jeanette. “We’re dating and it’s just before something happens, he huh”says Lars. He thinks it’s only a matter of days before they’re together. “It’s probably on Facebook during the week that we’re together to put it that way,” Lars smiles completely unaware that from Day 1 he has been placed in the friend zone of Jeanette

Jeanette is in love with another
Furthermore, Jeanette can tell us that she is really in love with Jørgen. Jørgen is 7 years older and drives BMW. “He is absolutely amazing, I can’t wait to meet Jørgen when he gets home from the holidays”says Jeanette. “What did yousay?” says Lars who just came in and heard Jeanette’s comment about Jørgen. “You have to help me prepare for my date with Jørgen,” says Jeanette. “Yes, of course,”Lars replies as he looks down at the floor where he thought Jeanette was going to lie naked with him during the day

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