Many of us think tattoos are both stylish, beautiful and cool. They usually are, too, but these tattoos are probably neither stylish nor beautiful…
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1. A real charmer you can be proud to take home to your dad?’

2. When you love red onions so much that you tattoo it … Ehhh… under the arm…?

3. Spider tattoo is one thing, but in the middle of the face?

4. It will be hard to find a good reason why you should pay for this…

5. In pursuit of the world’s worst tattoo, this one comes up very high on the list

6. A beautiful bouquet on a shaved head. Best idea ever:

7. Well said…. Or…. Atte… It… Was?

8. Surely one who is Star Wars interested yes:

9. Impossible to understand what she/he is smiling for after taking this tattoo:

10. When you’re really a cute girl but find out you won’t be cute anymore:

11. Beautiful, stylish and freshly cute:

12th Get a tattoo they said… Gets Cool So They…


14. When you just love cats:

15. Works of art?

16th Hello Kitty… Nice!
17. Probably good at bottom….

18. Maybe the best Batman tattoo ever:

19. Big Metallica fan there:

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