RIGHT NOW: Man robbed shop in Oslo for calendars. Got 12 months

OSLO: A man wearing a Finland cap and polvotter was arrested on Monday morning when he tried to rob a shop in central Oslo. The man was looking for a party with calendars worth over 100 kroner

Fixed on calendars
Police tell eAvisa’s crime reporter that the man is known to the police. “The man is known to collect on calendars. He is particularly concerned about the autumn months” says Commissioner Hardvold in a brief comment. He points out that the robbery will have consequences for the man who was given 12 months in the robbery. “Yes the man got with him a calendar of 12 months” confirms the police

Frightened staff
Work is now being worked on to take care of the store’s staff. One of these is hospitalized with a frightened kidney while the other 13 who were at work in the calendar store got away with lighter injuries such as a frightened wisdom tooth and loose stomach. “We expect the case to appear in court in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November or December”concludes the chief of police

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