Leif wishes his cat would enjoy more. “I should have bought a dog” says Leif

“He doesn’t see me” says Leif!

For many years, Leif has dreamed of acquiring a cat with whom he could share joys and sorrows.”I thought a cat was both cuddly and the kettle I, but they’re not. Not at all” he says

Met the cat outside, didn’t even greet
Leif says he has many examples that his cat is not a pleasant one, but highlights especially one episode; “I came home from work and met my cat right outside the house here, but that work greeted or made any sign that it loved me. In fact, it just moved on.” says Leif. The dream of teaching the cat to sit and roll around has given up completely. “Yesit simply doesn’t seem interested whatsoever”he says

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Trying to cuddle him: Leif for no response when he tries to cuddle with his cat. “It almost seems like he’s being sings by my touch” says Leif sorely.

But food he’s going to have!
As Leif goes on to tell us, he becomes more and more annoyed. “The cat named “Fido” is not interested in giving anything by itself. The only time he can appear loving is when he should have food. I think he’s just pretending to love me to get food.” says the now more easily irritated Leif while looking away at “Fido”. ” It’s really a really arrogant shitcat”he says suddenly. The cat does not react.

Leif says he never thought about euthanizing the cat. “No, at least not on purpose,” he concludes.

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