BREAKING NEWS: Norwegian Football Association introduces new kits in women’s football to increase interest among men

After a few years of low interest in women’s football, the Norwegian Football Association has taken a number of measures to increase interest in the “sport” among men. Of several solutions, a new standard for the suits in Norwegian women’s football is one of the most

Scantily clad and flirtatious
Head of Norwegian Women’s Football Audun Balle Corner told eAvisa that all women should now wear a more crowd-friendly outfit when trying to play football. “The vast majority of these girls are great in the body and we’re going to try to highlight that with these new outfits”he says proudly. He hopes that this measure alone will increase the number of visitors by many hundreds of percent. “In addition to new suits, we have introduced a new points system that gives girls flirt points. The team that has the most flirt points wins washing-up equipment for many thousands of dollars” he tells

Asking men to meet up
As this is probably a “sport” mainly for men on an equal footing, all marketing will target men aged 35-65,” says the head of football. The Norwegian Football Association has calculated that the new measures in women’s football will result in increased revenues in the million-dollar class. “We will also sell VIP tickets where you can meet the “players” after “match” and cuddle with them,” he concludes

What do you think, will these measures increase interest in women’s football?

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