BREAKING NEWS: Woman saved from rape by gay rapist who raped rapist

BANGVOLD DOWNTOWN: In the middle of the day, in the middle of the pedestrian zone and in front of the entrance to a shopping mall, a woman was rescued from rape on Thursday morning. The man who tried to rape the woman was even raped by a gay rapist who raped the man who tried to rape the woman

The woman acted on
After the woman was rescued from the rape, she continued with her long shopping list. The woman is a 3-child mother and is planning a holiday at home this year due to the virus that Norwegians now reckon is gone forever. “I’m going to buy flowers, garden chairs, herbicides, cabbage rabi, mango, mushrooms and 9 litres of wine”says the woman who was previously married to a man named Ragnar but now has a new boyfriend. “His name is Viggo and he seems like a good thing,”says the woman

No longer thinking about the incident
Furthermore, the woman says that she has now come across the violent incident that occurred 30-45 minutes ago. “Sure, things like that happen, it went well so it is. Yes yes, noda so” says the woman. Bangvold police say they haven’t heard of the incident, but that if they hear about the incident they’re going to look into it properly. “Yes we’ll look at it if we hear anything about it,” policeman Rasmus Bøtte told eAvisa

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