BREAKING NEWS: NAV forces NAVere to go to job interview – Here’s the advice to drop!

New shock figures: Honest NAVers are forced more often and more often to work!

Most of us are used to getting money for rent, food and subsistence from NAV. That’s great! The problem is that NAV look and often demand that you meet up for a job interview!

As more and more cases have now been reported where well-established and incorporated NAVs have had to work, we see it as our social responsibility to give you the advice that will help stop this “job-mater” before it is too late.

We strongly recommend that all advice be taken literally and carried out as quickly as possible. Probably a little unaccustomed to all the tattoos at first, but when the alternative is to do work and lose full control of the morning television and life in general it is of course worth it!

These are important advice for those who are forced to go to a job interview:


Appearance is whether you want it or not, a big part of the first impression a potential employer gets. Your actual appearance doesn’t get much done with, but if you don’t want the job, we recommend the following:

Tattoos are KING! Go on with neck and neck tattoos and a small skull on the side of your face. If you want to be on the safe side, we also recommend excessive use of piercing and dyed hair. With such an appearance, you’ve most likely got no before you reach the first (and important) handshake.

Image copyright Lazy Man
Don’t have to work:
This is Knut. He was forced into an interview. Luckily, he got away from work and
still live a dignified and social security life.

More look

Moreover, when it comes to appearance, it is important that you do not fall into the trap where you shower, comb your hair or brush your teeth before the interview. If you follow the above advice and skip the morning care, you are well on your way to a safer Nav everyday life.

Get up, go straight to the interview without a shower and brushing. Never remember deodorant!

The interview itself

Here it is important to stay focused and avoid charm. The first test is the handshake. Here you need to be as flabby as possible and make sure to look down at the floor while provoking twitching and small-spasms.

Alternatively, you can go in for a proper hug in combination with a good kiss on the cheek of your future employer. If you are a boy, we recommend a lighter erection if this is possible.

Make it embarrassing: No one likes excessive hugging so here you just drive on. Squeeze hard and long!

If you are so unlucky that you are still in the interview, you have to tread to extra well now. Before the interview, you put on a violent hysterical and crazy laugh. The higher and more you laugh the better. If you manage to fall over to a natural cry, this is a sure winner. Here’s an example of an experiment that’s well within:

If you can laugh like this, you will most likely be sent to the door or taken away by your healthcare professional.

Finally, we can give you some advice on sentences you should be sure to get in during the interview:

  • “I’m applying for a new job because I need contact with people because of my suffering, but I can’t talk about that!”
  • “I have studied Hitler a lot and think he is very misunderstood. Hitler is my role model.
  • “As cocaine and plastic surgeries are expensive, I have now chosen to have this job”
  • “Where do you live, maybe we can become close friends and share coffee mugs at night?”
  • “If I get the job, I click on the face of my whole family. They’re some assholes!”

If you follow these advice, it takes a lot to ensure that you cannot continue in your social security paradise. Remember that NAV gives you different benefits so you may be entitled to much more than you have today. Call them with a sore and crying voice and you’ll easily come under several support schemes. The conclusion is that you have one task. Don’t get a job!

If you are unable to trick yourself into lots of NAV support, one solution might be to pick up a bet365 bonus code and simply try luck on online games. Great advice!

We conclude this advisory article by giving you the only two links you really need online; NAV.NO and TV Programme

If you have any further tips on how to combat this horrific harassment, please make your opinion in the comments section below.

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