Here’s this year’s bathing fashion. This year it should be small, tantalizing and sexy

6. For slightly older men, tiger costume is one of the big news. Grrr!

7. Yellow is also one of the colors that is hottest this year. Here illustrated with a bungee bath ruse that becomes very popular:

8. Bikini fashion should be a little playful this year:

9. This year there is also extra focus on men who want to be fun:

10. Red swimsuits should also become very popular among both boys and girls:

11. A company from Russia launches this year the Musebikini which is extra gorgeous for girls who are a little daring:

12. A pleasant surprise is that Apple is launching its own collection for men:

14 boob girls who SHOULD NEVER buy bikini alone! - Part 2

13. Then we take the opportunity to wish you all a soon good summer!

WTF Bikini Styles - Bakini | Chanel West Coast

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