BREAKING NEWS: Older man lost his password to Pornhub. Got help from his son

It was a dark and gloomy day in Sarpsborg today early. Like everyone else, Birger Vattknot (72 years old) relies entirely on his premium subscription to the American website Pornhub to make it through the weird time we’re all in. The shock and despair was therefore great when Birger was not allowed to log into the website. “It was a horrible feeling, but luckily, yes luckily I have people around me who care”says Birger

Failed to get new password
Birger who admits that he is not particularly good when it comes to the technical typed in the password he thought he remembered, but did not get into the satisfactory range of entertainment. After repeated attempts, the despair took over and Birger realized that he needed help to get into the popular online service. “I felt stupid who couldn’t log me in on my own”says Birger. He simply needed a helping hand

Called the son,
the son came
After 2-3 hours of extensive knoting, Birger finally called his son Valdemar. “Valdemar is much better with such edb keyboards and he fixed it for me in just 1-2 minutes. I’m so proud of that boy.” says Birger who is still affected by the incident but who has now finally regained his access to the entertaining internet site

Take care of each other. It’s over…

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